■ 개이득 ■
Meaning -Big benefit or big profit without any expectation.
Literally, 개 is a dog. It is similar to 'fxxking' which is often used to emphasize meaning of word.
For example, '개더워' means 'fxxking hot.'
이득 is a benefit or profit.
■ 낄끼빠빠 ■
Meaning - Act as you see fit. or Figure out the mood.
It is short for '낄 때 끼고 빠질 때 빠져라', means
'join into it when you feel have to and get out of it when you feel have not to.'
■ 시강 ■
Meaning - Catch my eyes.
It is short for '시선 강탈'. 시선 means 'sight'. 강탈 means 'rob or steal'.
Literal translation - Somebody steals my sight.
■ ㅇㅈ (인정) ■
Meaning - Recognition or agree.
It is first initial of '인 and 정'. And 인정 means 'recognition or agree'.
■ 최애 ■
Meaning - Bias
It is short for '최고로 애정한다.', means l love it the most.
■ 취존 ■
Meaning - Please respect someone's taste.
It is short for '취향 존중', means please respect someone's taste.
■ ㅇㄱㄹㅇ ■
Meaning - It is a real situation.
It is initial of '이거레알.'
이거 means this or this situation.
레알 means 'real'. It has similar sound to English. Actually this is from English.
■ ㅂㅂㅂㄱ ■
Meaning - Nobody can say 'no'. or Hard to deny that.
It is initial of '반박 불가'.
반박 means 'refutation' and 불가 means 'not allowed'.
Literal translation - 'Refutation is not allowed'.
Actually, this word use with ㅇㄱㄹㅇ together.
ㅇㄱㄹㅇ ㅂㅂㅂㄱ - This is true. Nobody can deny.
■ 혼밥, 혼술 ■
Meaning - Having a meal alone and drinking alcohol alone.
It is short for '혼자 밥 먹기, 혼자 술 마시기'.
Having a meal and drinking alcohol are important social activity for Korean.
Therefore, having a meal or drink alcohol alone is so challenging for Korean.
■ 팩폭 ■
Meaning - Making someone shocked by telling the truth.
It is short for '팩트 폭행'.
팩트 means 'the fact'. It is English
폭행 means 'assault or violence'.
Literal translation - Somebody assaults someone by telling the fact.
팩트리어트 is a similar word. It means a 'Factriot'
,which is a mixed word using 'Fact' and 'Patriot missile'.
■ 뚝배기 ■
Meaning - Head
The dictionary meaning is a large bowl. But people use it different meaning (Head).
It is derives from a rude delivery man. He texted to his customer,
'if you waste my time, I will crush your 뚝배기(Head).'
So, people use it to mock the delivery man.
■ 실화냐 ■
Meaning - 'Is it true?' or 'Is this real situation?'
실화 means 'real story'.
But, It will be a little bit awkward and funny when you say it.
Because this is a literary style.
That is why people use this expression.
■ 읽씹 ■
Meaning - Read and Ignored.
It is short for '읽고 씹기'.
Literal translation - 'Reading and Chewing' means read and no reply.
This expression came after people used the messenger app.
Most of people use messenger app and
this messenger let you know that your friend reads your message or not.
I'm not good at English for explaining slang word.
Please, understand me,
if there are something wrong or something misunderstanding expression.
'흥미 - Interest' 카테고리의 다른 글
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